Surprise Proposal in San Francisco

Surprise Proposal at Ocean Beach in San Francisco

Sam & Tiffany

I love photographing surprise proposals because it is always so much fun playing the paparazzi to document such a special moment.
For his proposal, Sam wanted to be at a location that his girlfriend (now fiancee!) loves: the beach. He chose Ocean Beach as the perfect setting and scouted out the area the day before to find the best spot. I knew that the dunes are illuminated with a beautiful glow during sunset so we agreed that this would be the perfect backdrop for his beach side proposal.
Everything went perfectly. Tiffany and Sam had a charming picnic by the ocean, got to meet some friendly dogs passing by, walked along the water's edge and skipped rocks, to finally end up at the top of the dunes where Sam asked Tiffany to be his wife. 
 Best Wishes to the newly engaged couple!